Crime Before Instruction


Crime Before Instruction


“Magic” —Kiki Smith

“Obvious brilliance” —Gus Van Sant


Publication Date: August 2023

Trim Size: 6 x 9 inches

120 pages

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Thread’s Hair and Needle’s Teeth: Geoffrey Cruickshank-Hagenbuckle

Early in this century I waived Chloé Sevigny, cloaked in an argent cape, into the St Marks Church graveyard after-hours for a deminude fashion exposée.”

Cruickshank-Hagenbuckle is the author of Sex Axe, Fence 2022.

He is the author of Dear Bear.

He received Special Thanks for his work on the film Finding Forrester, directed by Gus Van Sant. Other film credits include Tremors, that giant desert sand worm flick starring Kevin Bacon. Cruickshank-Hagenbuckle cameos in Our City Dreams, profiles of the artists Kiki Smith, Marina Abramovic, Ghada Amer, and Swoon, directed by Ciara Clemente.

Ick-a-Body, a radio play written in collaboration with his (Cruickshank is their mother’s maiden name) twin brother Jay Hagenbuckle, was broadcast 2021 and is archived at Cape Noir in Provincetown on Cape Cod.

He was initiated into the secrets of Tarot by Miss Epiphany Proudfoot at the Saturn Bar in New Orleans.

He was treated for withdrawal from acute narcotic addiction at a cold water rehab —13 Hell’s Gate Circle (I shit you not) sharing recreational facilities with a prison for the criminally insane. There, in 2013, Steven Soderbergh shot the movie Side Effects.

Hagenbuckle bunked in a transitional detox which had once held Jack Abbott, author of In the Belly of the Beast, two streets down from the Binibon, that NYC bistro where Abbott knifed a waiter. Abbott, charged with murder, convicted of manslaughter, died in prison (2002) a suicide.

Paris Pairs: “I slept my first night in Paris at 18, under the Odeon arcade.”